Show Your Lawn Some Love
Lawn Care Month is recognized every April. We feel it is important to celebrate as there are many environmental benefits to turf grass. Additionally, simply spending time outdoors does wonders for our mental health. This blog has details on our lawn services offered, tips on keeping your grass hydrated and a few fun facts.
By having a healthy lawn, it will then be stronger, overcome drought quicker, and survive pests and diseases faster! Having thick, healthful grass will help keep the weeds away and they will be less likely to take over your lawn.
We recommend starting with a soil sample to calculate the level of nutrients in your lawn. This helps us know what treatment is best for your soil based on the zone of your property.
After we get the results from the soil sample. We turn to our five-step lawn application treatment and determine which is needed to get your lawn on the right track. It is important to note that treatment results are not always immediate, depending on the condition of your lawn. Click here to read more details about our fertilizing services.
Our five-step lawn applications are Crab Grass, Spring Broad Leaf, Grub Control, Fall Broad Leaf and Winterizer. These services take place during the spring, summer and fall seasons.
It is important to keep your lawn watered regularly during the summer’s extended dry periods. We recommend watering the grass 2-3 times a week and this can be done by using a sprinkler.
For new grass, it is important to water more frequently. For the first few weeks, new grass should be watered daily for 30 minutes. Keep in mind, it is best to water in the early morning or late evening.
Ready for some fun facts! Did you know…?
Turf grass is about 80% water.
Research shows that people find themselves less stressed when interacting with nature.
Grasses make up about 26% of the plant life on earth.
A healthy lawn can absorb more than 6,000 gallons of water from a single rainfall.
There are about 1,400 species of grasses in the United States.
A 50′ x 50′ lawn produces enough oxygen for a family of four.
Grass and plants make our air cleaner by capturing dust, smoke and other pollutants.
Healthy lawns help fight climate change!
Does your lawn need some love? We are here to provide lawn care services for you to help get your lawn healthy and grass green. Click here to contact us to schedule a free estimate!
Sources: National Association of Landscape Professionals
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