Neighborhood Fun

Whether you live in a suburban neighborhood, the city or your residence is in more of a rural atmosphere - there are ways to keep kids entertained and enjoy the spring season while maintaining social distancing!
This blog is filled with ideas to do just that!
Spring 2020 has been a bit different then we would have anticipated. And while we are all getting adjusted to this new “normal”, we thought we would share some activities for the kids to do that keep entertainment levels high while the physical social interaction remains low.
Board games are a great activity for the family to play together! Monopoly, Scattergories, Yahtzee, Chutes & Ladders, card games like Uno, SkipBo, and so many more. And as an added bonus – most games are great for practicing those reading and math skills.
Lately, lots of neighborhoods have come together as a community and shared ideas on social media of projects such as hanging different paper cutouts in their windows for neighborhood families to find.
First idea is a Bear Hunt & Heart Search – cut out bear paw prints and/or hearts to put in your window! Making the decorations will be something crafty for your kids to do and then you can have fun walking around, looking for others in the neighborhood. Or with Easter being this weekend you could do an Easter Egg theme. Put pictures of Easter eggs on your windows or leave plastic ones in your yard for kids to “hunt”.
Another idea is to use sidewalk chalk and play an outdoor version of Pictionary, make hopscotch, obstacle courses or use painters tape to make a “frame” for the kids to color in!
We wanted to add in a touch of landscaping to the list of ideas – planting produce and flowers are a great way to spend time with the family and a project the kids can journal to keep track of how the plants are growing! Your end result is tasty fruits and vegetables and beautiful flowers!
Last suggestion is a neighborhood kindness project. Have the kids make cards or color pictures for neighbors and leave on their doorsteps. And, if you have a garden with produce or flowers to share – that small gesture could literally brighten someone’s day!
As always, we are here during this time to take care of all your lawn care needs!
Contact us at the information below to schedule a free estimate!
717-285-2750 |
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