I Spy Mushrooms?

I Spy Mushrooms?

Are you noticing mushrooms popping up in your mulch?

Are you worried about what that might mean?

Well, you can take a deep breath and relax because they are a good thing.

Finding mushrooms in your mulch means that there is healthy organic matter growing which is vital for the ecosystems beneath the mulch. Lisa LaPaso, is an organic landscape designer, she states that your plants actually benefit from the fungi and bacteria. She goes on to say that, mushrooms are the “reproductive structures of fungi” and are a sign of healthy soil.

Sandra Mason, is the Master Gardener Coordinator for the University of Illinois, she and LaPaso both state in their articles that mushrooms may also be found if there is a decaying, dying tree root that they are living off.

Organic mulches (such as hardwood chips, softwood chips and grass clippings) are where you are more likely to find mushrooms sprouting versus the inorganic mulches (such as stones and pebbles) due to the ability of organic mulches to decompose over time.

If you would like to read more about the different types of mulch, read our blog all about mulch here.

Sprouting mushrooms are usually the result of heavy rainfalls. If you are not liking the look of the mushrooms, till them back into the mulch. LaPaso states that plants thrive from fungal action which is why she recommends composting to boost the growth of your plants and trees.

Mason says the bottom line is that these mushrooms are not damaging to “plants, people or pets” unless consumed. It is discouraged for people to eat any type of mushroom without knowing its origin.

So, are you spying mushrooms in your garden?

Quick answer – they are not harmful, and the mushrooms will usually dry up within a week or two. For immediate results, tilling the soil or mulch will hide the toadstools if you aren’t wanting to wait for them to dry up on their own.

Have additional questions about those mushrooms popping up in your garden?

Need help getting your property mulched for the season?

Give us a call at 717-285-2750 or click here to schedule an appointment directly from our website.

You can read Lisa LaPaso’s full article here and Sandra Mason’s article here.


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