Earth Day is April 22nd!
Earth Day is April 22nd!
Have you seen the colorful rainbow of blooming trees that spring provides? This is the anticipation we’ve been waiting for all winter! April 22nd is Earth Day, the perfect time of year to choose a tree in full bloom to add color and character to your landscape and celebrate this observance of environmental awareness!
Help protect the environment!
Plant a beautiful tree in observance of Earth Day! A great tree will not only provide beauty to your yard, but it will also provide welcoming shade on a hot summer day! You’ll also be able to enjoy the beautiful spring blooms year after year!
If you have kids, this is a great way to teach them how they can contribute to protecting the environment. It also gets them away from the electronic devices and into the great outdoors!
To find Earth Day events near you visit: Earth Day Network
If you’re not interested in planting a tree, consider colorful shrubs for your landscape. Whatever you choose, know that you are contributing to the environment and future generations living on this great big beautiful earth!
Need some ideas on what to plant? Request an appointment with our designer on our website or give us a call at 717-285-2750.
PS: From our last blog, mystery plant #3 bloomed! If you guessed Hyacinth, you’re right! (That was an easy one!)
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