Happy Valentine’s Day!
Potted Plants and Flowers for Valentine’s Day
I recently saw a list titled “Reasons I Hate Valentine’s Day”. Which was a little saddening, but also eye opening. How could there be a whole list of reasons why people hate a day that’s supposed to be all about love? After reading the list it made more sense though; the main thing I took away from reading it was that people hate spending an outrageous amount of time and money on another gift that almost always come off as super cheesy or just plain tacky. Have you ever felt that way? I know I have! I am not a fan of the giant, $70, stuffed teddy bear that will be sitting in front of the donation bin in a few months, or the $40 heart shaped box of chocolates that I will eat 3 of and throw the rest out because they’re coconut filled or covered in nuts(yuck!).
However, I do think there are some classic gifts that won’t ever go out of style. Ones that can be a nice reminder to show your loved one how much they mean to you. Flowers are definitely one of those gifts… a large bouquet of roses can smell wonderful, look beautiful and vibrant, make your home seem more inviting, and every time you see them you’re reminded of the person who gave them to you. The only problem is that they’re usually dead within a week and they’re still crazy expensive!
So what’s the solution? How do you get a classic gift that isn’t overpriced and keeps on reminding your loved one how much they mean to you all year long?
One creative and new idea is to buy a potted plant or flower for Valentine’s Day!! Potted plants offer all the benefits of a beautiful bouquet of cut flowers, without the downfall of dying in a week. (As long as you can remember to give it a little water here and there). They can also be a lot more affordable since they don’t come with the typical “Valentine’s Day markup”.
Plus, there are so many different options when it comes to potted plants that you’re sure to find the perfect one for each unique person in your life.
Here are a few categories for you to use to determine the right potted plant for your loved one:
Classics: (For someone who enjoys the familiar and traditional)
Modern: (For someone who likes unique and trendy things)
Herbs- Lavender, basil, dill, thyme, etc.
Lemon Tree
Low Maintenance: (For someone who appreciates no stress and care-free plants)
Peace Lily
There are obviously a lot more choices than just these ones, but hopefully this list is helpful in getting you on the right track towards finding the perfect one.
You can find most of these plants at your local garden center, even in February. Best of all…some stores even discount these types of plants in the winter! You can also order most of these plants, plus more exotic ones, online and have them delivered right to your door!
The greatest thing about potted plants and flowers is that after Valentine’s Day is over, and Winter fades into Spring, you can use them to beautify the outside of your home! By placing them around your patio, landscape flowerbeds, or front porch, you can dramatically improve the curb appeal of your home. You can mix them in beside your Spring planters to add unique textures and colors, or even plant some of them in your flowerbeds and watch them grow for years to come! Potted plants and flowers offer lots of ways to practice sustainability, encourage environmental-friendly thinking, and most importantly, be budget-friendly!
Be original and practical this year and give your loved one a potted plant or flower for Valentine’s Day!
Enjoy spending time with your loved ones this holiday!!
The Team at Indian Run Landscaping
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