Summertime flower bed maintenance

The long, anticipated arrival of Summer is finally here! After tending to the flower beds in the Spring, you’ve been waiting for the blooms of Summer to emerge, and most of your summer perennials should be in full bloom by now.
Here are some reminders and tips to ensure you get the best out of these Summertime Bloomers and keep the flower beds looking their best:
If you have tall flowers such as Purple Coneflowers/Echinacea, that can reach heights of up to 47 inches, or Butterfly bushes/Buddleia that can grow from 6-10 feet tall, you’ll have to do something so they don’t get out of control! Staking tall flowers such as these will keep them looking neat as they continue to grow throughout the summer and will give some room for low lying plants to grow.

Don’t forget to deadhead spent flowers. Dead-heading not only promotes the growth of new buds, it also keeps the flower bed looking neat.
Don’t wait for the dead blooms to cut your flowers, go ahead and cut a few different ones and create your own masterpiece!
Of course mulching provides moisture for your plants, and adds curb appeal to the look of your yard, however mulch will start to get dry and crunchy with the help of the summer sun. Freshen it up by moving it around with a rake or add a little more if it is too thin in some areas. Check out Better Homes and Garden’s tips for mulch in the Summer.
Create a schedule to keep up with the weeds, and don’t forget to WATER! Incorporate the kiddos to help you out!
Click here for some great watering tips from:
Update: A few results from our Spring blog “mystery plants” are in. Mystery plant #2 was a pleasant surprise. It bloomed into this beautiful “Sweet William” Dianthus! Mystery Plant #3 was of course a Hyacinth!(no need to see the before picture). Check back in the Fall for the answer to “Mystery Plant #1. Hint: it’s a fall bloomer

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