Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning
We have all heard of “spring cleaning” so we know this is the perfect time of year to clean things up inside and outside of the home. Thankfully, that there is some consistent sunshine in our upcoming forecast. Thus, making it the perfect time to check spring cleaning off our to-do list – if you haven’t already.
So, we put together a list of cleaning categories to make sure we are organizing and cleaning what will make us happier, healthier and get our homes ready for the upcoming seasons.
+ Declutter + Donate or Trash
– Closets (clothing, shoes, etc.)
– The garage
– The kitchen (utensils, cups, etc.)
– Children’s toys & games (no longer played with or broken)
+ Clean
– Windows
– Gutters
– Outdoor kitchens and barbeques
– Vehicles
+ Power wash
– Fences
– Walkways
And, we saved our favorite “chores” for last.
+ Clean out & edge the flower beds/garden areas
+ Trim shrubbery
+ Mulch
+ Seed and/or apply lawn applications for lawns
+ Mow the lawn
If you need help getting your outdoor space ready for the season; we are here to help with maintenance and lawn care! Our five-step lawn application regimented program to help keep your lawn healthy throughout the year. We are about to do our spring broad leaf application (which is stage two of five).
Contact us today through phone, email or by clicking here on our website!
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