Clients often ask questions about maintenance and upkeep of hardscape [& landscape] jobs!
p>So we thought we would write a blog where we would answer those FAQ with a little Q&A!
Q: Do I need to clean my patio [walkways, etc.] and how often should I?
A: Patios should be cleaned when algae begins to grow and/or you notice the polymeric sand is cracking. We can service and maintenance your patio for you. Give us a call for a free estimate.
Q: Does my patio need to be sealed?
A: Sealing your patio provides another way to customize your hardscape. However, it does not need to be sealed.
Q: When can I take the tree stakes and arbor ties out?
A: Tree stakes [and arbor ties] should be taken out one year after planting.
Q: How often should I water my plants?
A: Your plants need to be water regularly but you don’t want to over water.* After rainfalls, if you push back the mulch and it’s moist – then you do not need to water.
Keeping to a water schedule is important! Please refer to the chart below for your needs depending on perennials, shrubs or trees!
*Follow these guidelines if a long rain doesn’t occur during the weeks after plants are planted. A sufficient rain would be ½” for perennials & 1” shrubs and trees (measured with a rain gauge).
Q: What is the importance of lawn applications and how often are they applied?
A: By having a healthy lawn, it will then be stronger, overcome drought quicker, and survive those pesky pests and diseases faster! Having thick, healthful grass will help keep the weeds away and they will be less likely to take over your lawn. At Indian Run Landscaping we have a 5-Step regimented program for our lawn applications. Our crew is trained, certified and knowledgeable on how to provide the best lawn care.
The time of year that each treatment is completed is important! We stick to the schedule below by season.
SPRING | Crab Grass & Spring Broad Leaf SUMMER | Grub Control FALL | Fall Broad Leaf & Winterizer
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If you have any other questions about maintenance –
reach out to us through our contact information below, social media or commenting on this post!
>> 717-285-2750
>> info@indianrunlandscaping.com
If you’re wanting to schedule a free estimate, click here, to schedule online!
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