Mother’s Day Flowers

Did you remember that Mother’s Day is quickly approaching?
If you did, good for you! If you didn’t, no worries – there is plenty of time!
After a dormant winter, our schedules seem to fill up quickly once Spring arrives! Warm weather usually means everyone is wanting to be outdoors, kids sporting events start, there is Passover and Easter. Then, out of nowhere, it is May and Mother’s Day is here!
What if, this Mother’s Day – instead of giving your mom, wife, or sister fresh cut flowers that will maybe last the week, you gave her flowers that she can plant in her garden or planter that will make her think of her family every time she looks at those
b e a u t i f u l plants?
Here are a few suggestions if you are thinking a gift that will smell lovely, is simple but meaningful and will bring color to her world is perfect.
Salvia farinacea
Salvia farinacea is a perennial from the Sage family. Their slenderness and blue/purple hues are what draw us to them. They provide a nice contrast in a planter or garden next to the other flowers you’ll see below. According to Missouri Botanical Garden; Salvia farinacea are deer resistant and they attract butterflies. Salvia farinacea can handle full sun or partly shady areas. For more details about the difference between perennials and annuals check out our past blog here.
Geraniums have beautiful bright color to them that would make any woman happy to receive these gorgeous perennials. Geraniums can be planted as a house plant or planted outdoors. During the winter months, however, they would need to be moved indoors so if they are outside it is best to have them in a planter for easy mobility. As long as these beauties get lots of sun exposure and water – they will bloom!
Petunias also provide that stunning color you may be looking for. They are perennials but often treated as annuals and can be found in a variety of colors including pink, purple, red, white and yellow. There are many kinds of Petunias: Grandiflora, Mulitflora, Wave, and Supertunias. Grandiflora petunias (pictured above) have large flowers and would grow great in a hanging basket or window box as they are more delicate. Multiflora petunias are a little smaller and would work well in flower beds. Wave Petunias provide that bright color and spread easily in a garden so – make sure you have lots of room for them to grow! Supertunias are less aggressive then the Wave and they are great for hanging baskets and window boxes just like the Grandiflora petunias. The whole Petunia family needs watered regularly and full sun exposure to look their best.
Begonias are annuals that are easy to grow. They do well in partly sun, shady, and full sun exposures and needs lots of water. Begonias are another great flower for planters and they bloom throughout the Spring, Summer and Fall. Begonias are a beautiful choice if you are looking for a colorful but low maintenance plant!
Are you wanting more assistance in getting a planter ready for Mother’s Day?
Give us a call at 717-285-2750 or contact us online and let our professionals design the perfect planter arrangement for you!
Pictures of the plants were taken at Cherry Hill Orchards in Lancaster, PA.
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