Lawn Care Month

What do you call a cow that eats grass?
A lawn Moo-er!
Now, we do not use a cow to take care of lawns but we do have equipment to make lawn care an easy process!
This blog is all about the importance of lawn fertilization and keeping with the 5-Step program we offer at IRL!
Are you ready to learn MOOre about how IRL does lawn care maintenance? Keep reading!
(last cow joke, promise!)
We recommend starting off with soil testing to ensure proper PH management and fertilization. By testing the soil, our team of professionals can gather the necessary information to create a course of action and recommend the fertilization program best for your lawn. This treatment is what will help create and maintain a healthy lawn.
That course of action includes our 5-step regimented lawn fertilization treatment program.
- Crab Gras
- Spring Broad Leaf
- Grub Control and Insects
- Fall Broad Leaf
- Winterizer
By having a healthy lawn, it will then be stronger, overcome drought quicker, and survive those pesky pests and diseases faster! Having thick, healthful grass will help keep the weeds away and they will be less likely to take over your lawn. We recommend following this regiment because without these five steps, there could be negative effects on your lawn.
The time of year that each treatment is completed is important!
SPRING | Crab Grass & Spring Broad Leaf SUMMER | Grub Control FALL | Fall Broad Leaf & Winterizer
Did you know that you can schedule a free estimate for lawn care maintenance directly on our website?
Click here to request a quote and schedule a free estimate online! Or give us a call at 717-285-2750!
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