Garden & Landscape Walls

Seating walls – Retaining walls
Walls to divide your patio from the garden
Walls to provide seating around a fire pit
Walls in the front yard – Walls in the back yard
Let’s talk about walls.
You guessed it! This blog is all about the usage of retaining and seating walls in your garden and landscape areas – their purpose and hopefully a little inspiration from past IRL projects!
A retaining wall can serve a dual purpose! A retaining wall is needed when the landscape has slopes and various elevations. According to Parker Homescape, the wall helps restrain wet soil that could otherwise drain into the foundation or damage surrounding landscape.
A seating wall is a low wall that is made to the height where someone would be able to sit comfortably. Seating walls not only add functional seating but they also provide some separation from the garden or lawn. Best of all – they are visually pleasing to the eye. And a retaining wall can become a seating wall. This is what Parker Homescapes refers to as the “best way to double your value”. A seating wall can be designed and installed without the need of it retaining landscape.
There are three types of walls; natural, manufactured and boulders. A natural wall is designed with natural stone. Our team is made up of professionals who enjoy working with unique qualities of stone and see the value in the detail of creating a wall for our clients that is like no other.
A manufactured wall is designed and intended to last for decades. Installed with manufactured wall block, clients can choose a product that is cost effective and from an array of colors.
Boulders can make a great additional to your outdoor space. They can provide that separation you are looking for without the visual of a wall and have the design element of that the boulder has been there for decades!
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