2022 Landscape Trends

2022 Landscaping Trends
It’s a new year with a new season underway! We always think it is fun to see which projects are the most popular, we are creating designs for and what is trending in the landscape world. We thought we would share with you the top four landscape trends for 2022.
So, let’s jump right in!
Over the past few years, outdoor kitchens seem to be increasing in popularity. The indoor – outdoor living concept is a great way to add the natural outdoors to your indoor space. An outdoor kitchen allows for easy entertaining, it is a quick way to add value to your home, it allows your home to stay cool with the cooking taking place outside, and our favorite – is the opportunity to simply spend more time outdoors.
For more benefits of having an outdoor kitchen, click here to read a blog by Southwest Stone Supply Inc.
Expanded seating areas such as patios and seating walls are another easy way to accommodate entertaining friends and family without sacrificing the aesthetics of your outdoor space. There are multiple styles of patios and with various colors of stone and pavers and with more families spending time at home; it is not hard to see why adding more seating outdoors is currently so popular.
Pollinator gardens having been increasingly popular over the past few years. Specifically choosing plants that have nectar and pollen will make your garden a favorite for bees, hummingbirds and butterflies. According to the PennState Extensions; diversity among the plants in your garden is very important. “Each pollinator has its own techniques for sourcing nectar and pollen, flowers should be as varied as the pollinators that visit them.”
You can read more about their insights and recommendations about pollinator gardens here.
Native plants and trees are those that are natural to our region in Pennsylvania and have been thriving here for centuries. There are many benefits to having native plants on your property versus non-native plants. To name a few; native plants are more low maintenance, they support local wildlife (i.e. pollinator plants), and they conserve water as they are used to the rainfall we get seasonally.
We would love to help you get started on achieving your backyard dreams this season. Whether it is updating your landscape to add more native plants or designing and installing a patio to make cookouts with the family that much more memorable – we are here to help.
Do any of your outdoor wish list projects match up with what is trending this year? Contact us today or schedule directly on our website for a free consultation!
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